Thank You to Our Amazing Sponsors!
With great pleasure we would like to announce that preparation for the 2022 edition of the EuroBSDcon has officially started. We encourage all individuals and organisations willing to support and help with the conference to contact us without delay!
Your valuable sponsorship will ensure the success of EuroBSDcon 2022 by allowing us to bring in speakers and developers from all over the world and to provide them with accommodation.
- Platinum: >=15k€
- Gold: 10k€
- Silver: 5k€
- Bronze: 2k€
- Partners: <2k€
Sponsorship also pays for renting the venue and providing attendees with T-shirts, lunches, etc. Direct payment of speaker travel and accommodations will count towards your sponsorship level.
Platinum Sponsors:

As a platinum sponsor you will benefit the most prominent exposure to the conference attendees.
The platinum sponsor gets the following entitlements:
- Prominent acknowledgment on the EuroBSDcon 2022 home page, sponsorship and registration page. On each page your corporate logo will include a link back to your website.
- 10 complimentary registration.
- Opportunity to signage at each talk and during the opening and closing sessions.
- The invitation to include promotional material in the conference registration pack.
- Permission to use the following endorsement: “MAJOR SPONSOR OF EuroBSDcon 2022” or “PLATINUM SPONSOR OF EuroBSDcon 2022”.
- Upon request, a table in the display area. Please let us know at least 3 weeks before the conference.
Gold Sponsors:

As a gold sponsor you will benefit a high degree of prominence. The Gold sponsor gets the following entitlements:
- Prominent acknowledgement on the EuroBSDCon 2022 home page, sponsorship and registration page (on each page your corporate logo will include a link back to you website).
- 5 complimentary registrations.
- Opportunity to signage during the the opening and closing sessions.
- The invitation to include promotional material in the conference registration packs.
- Permission to use the following endorsement: “GOLD SPONSOR OF EuroBSDCon 2022”.
- Upon request, a table in the display area. Please let us know at least 3 weeks before the conference.
Silver Sponsors:

To acknowledge your silver level sponsorship of the conference, the following entitlements are offered:
- Acknowledgment at the start of the conference.
- 2 complimentary registrations.
- Acknowledgment on the sponsorship page (your corporate logo will be included with a link back to your own website).
- The invitation to include promotional material in the conference registration packs.
- Permission to use the following endorsement: ”SILVER SPONSOR OF EuroBSDCon 2022″.
- Upon request, a table in the display area. Please let us know at least 3 weeks before the conference.
Bronze Sponsors:

As a bronze sponsor you will benefit the following entitlements:
- Acknowledgment at the start of the conference.
- 1 complimentary registration.
- Acknowledgment on the sponsorship page (your corporate logo will be included with a link back to your own website).
- Permission to use the following endorsement: ”BRONZE SPONSOR OF EuroBSDCon 2022″.
- The invitation to include promotional material in the conference registration packs (maximum 1 page).

Partner sponsors enjoy the following entitlements:
- Acknowledgment at the start of the conference.
- Acknowledgment on the sponsorship page. Your corporate logo will include a link back to your website.
- Permission to use the following endorsement: “PARTNER SPONSOR OF EuroBSDCon 2022”.
Become a partner sponsor by paying for travel and accomodation for speaker(s) and help us cover one of the most substantial expenses!